Monday, March 21, 2011

New Movies! Which will You pick??

So heres a list of Movies that I have, I want you guys to pick one for the next blog. Please leave me a comment here, Facebook Or Twitter (the links should be on my page)

30 Days of night
A clockwork Orange
Big Business
Duck Soup
Ferris Bueller's Day off
Fiddler On the Roof
George of the Jungle
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Let the Right One in
Little Big Man
My Favorite Martain
Pete's Dragon
Power Rangers
Recess: School's Out
Savage Sam
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Silence of The Lambs
Small Soliders
Snow White 2
Stephen King's It
Swan Princess
The Curse of The Golden Flower
The Neverending Story
The Princess and the Goblin
Tom and Jerry
Tuck Everlasting
When Good Ghouls Go Bad

I even have all the episodes to Jim Henson's The Storyteller

\So there you have it, if you dont know them or if you do know them, write me what you want to see in my blog.

THX, Jess

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Hey guys,
     I have to tell you that ive had another set back for being sick, which I still am. Also for being at my grandparents house, it was a surprise but I knew that id probally go because my mom had a work meeting in Las Vegas. I'm trying to figure out what movies to do, I have put alot of new movies on my computer that ill probally use, Such as Duck Soup, Little Big Man, Silence of the Lambs, and even ones that I have seen that ill be doing. Willow, Shephen King's It, A Clockwork Orange, Let the Right One In, and so much more. Ill still being doing Jackass 3d but as I was going to do one I came across them (and when I say them, I mean the cast) saying that theres going to be a Jackass 3.5, what a better way to write an extra special "Jackass 3d" write up. I would like for you guys to comment me anything that you'd like for me to say about the movie. Ill try to get out as soon as possible.
Thanks guys!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I'm Sorry!!

Hey MovieFo's
           I've been super busy and I know I havent been doing alot on my Blog but I just got back to my mom's house so im in movie mode! Ill do a #2 movie which I need help on from you guys. I need some ideas it would be great if you did, and Ill try to get out 100-90 of my top favorite movie list, this parts not the easiest but it has to be done for my fans. So ill be working on the list of movie and im going to wait for you guys to comment me some movie ideas.

Thx, Jessica

Friday, February 18, 2011

Movie#1 The Shawshank Redemption

Hey MovieFOs,

I watched The Shawshank Redemption last night and i would rate it a 7. This movie came out in 1994,
It was that kind of story that you would cry, laugh, hate and love. The story's about a man named Andy Dufresne is conficted of killing his wife because she was sleeping with another man. He was sent to shawshank Prision. Andy is played by Tim Robbin. Andy was a quite man, and was always to himself until, he met Ellis Boyd Redding or Red for short, played by Morgan Freeman. Red was the man in jain that could getyou whatever you wanted; smokes, drugs, anything! They become friends through the many year they were there. Going through about everything together death, work and Redemption. Everyone was shocked in the end for what they found in Andy's Jail cell...but you'll have to watch for yourself. There are other great actors in the movie as well Clancy Brown, 

James Whitmore, William Sadler and more.The director of the movie is Frank Darabont. You might know him from his other work like The Green Mile, The Mist, or The walking Dead. The Writer is Shephen King. And of course you know him. His famous work like The Green Mile, The shining, Pet Sematary, Carrie and so much more. This movie has some stuff that might not be good for children but theres already bad stuff with pg-13 movies, which kids already watch.
 This would be a movie I would recommened people to watch. It has had a great impact on the lives that people have watched it for they made #1 on the list of TOP MOVIES TO WATCH. I hope you liked it or will like it as I did. Dont forget to comment what you thought or what you did think.

Thanks ~jess

I need some movies please give me some ideas. The next movie will be awhile I think ill do the My top Movie list 100-90 first. Just untill my MovieFO's send me some movie ideas. Thanks everyone!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

News #1

Hey everyone,
               I was talking to a friend the other day about a song from a movie that i liked and i told her that this movie would be under my top 100 list of favorite now im making that list.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

To the Fans of Movies

Hey everyone! I'm jess from Sonic Fashion. As you probally have guessed already I Love movies: horror, animated, romance, sci fi, comedy anythings out there I watch them all. In my life ive collected tons of movies new and old. Im here to talk abt ALL movies the info, clips, trailers and background. I know what your thinking, that im the same as everyone else but this time your going to help. I want my fans to send me names of movies and ill tell u if ive seen it and if i havent ill watch. Im going to tell you what i thought and tell what you said as well. If you do see this please leave me a comment of a movie that either old ones or newer ones.