I have to tell you that ive had another set back for being sick, which I still am. Also for being at my grandparents house, it was a surprise but I knew that id probally go because my mom had a work meeting in Las Vegas. I'm trying to figure out what movies to do, I have put alot of new movies on my computer that ill probally use, Such as Duck Soup, Little Big Man, Silence of the Lambs, and even ones that I have seen that ill be doing. Willow, Shephen King's It, A Clockwork Orange, Let the Right One In, and so much more. Ill still being doing Jackass 3d but as I was going to do one I came across them (and when I say them, I mean the cast) saying that theres going to be a Jackass 3.5, what a better way to write an extra special "Jackass 3d" write up. I would like for you guys to comment me anything that you'd like for me to say about the movie. Ill try to get out as soon as possible.Thanks guys!